Cloud Observability that delivers answers not more raw data.

Effodio gives SRE and Ops teams for the first time the ability to easily and automatically discover the source of issues in their cloud environments. We maintain an up-to-the-minute model of your systems in the cloud, and return answers on root causes, reducing your Mean Time To Insight to near zero – without writing a single line of code and without breaking the bank.

Reduce MTTI in the cloud to near ZERO.

Today’s approaches require a human to view the firehose of data from multiple cloud monitoring, visibility, and observability tools, plus logs and other data sources to verify whether they are known issues or not.

For the first time, Effodio gives enterprise SRE and Ops teams the ability to easily and automatically discover, refine and validate fault models in your cloud environments – reducing MTTI to near zero.

What we offer:


Build a model of your system and bind it dynamically to your cloud-based assets and data across multiple data sources.


Model your system faults and their relationships to allow you to automatically and instantly identify root causes for incidents.


Combine and analyze data from multiple data sources to drive your system fault model.


Explore the “running” system model. See all the relevant metrics and system status at a glance.
